2024 Yanesen Small Shop Hopping Stamp Rally has ended.
What is the Yanesen Small Shop Hopping Stamp Rally?
This is a stamp rally project where you can collect stamps by visiting small shops in the Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi (Yanesen) areas.
Learn more
A digest of Yanesen's history
(currently under construction).
Recommended sightseeing spots
We will guide you to recommended sightseeing spots in the area (under construction).

Explore and collect stamps of small shops in Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi
What is the Yanesen Small Shop Hopping Stamp Rally?
This is an annual summer project to collect stamps by visiting small shops in “Yanesen” (Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi).
Although “Yanesen” is well-known as an area full of unique small shops dot, it takes a little courage to enter a small store for the first time.
But once you open the door, you will be welcomed by friendly shopkeepers. Please take this opportunity to enjoy a stroll around Yanesen.

下町たまご食堂 一卵亭 A29
紅茶専門喫茶りんごや A04
ミモザカフェ Y01
パンダワイン S09
素茶 Y18
C Tea Salon & Bar A21
ignis S27
麺や ひだまり S01
おにぎりカフェ 利さく A25
百舌珈琲店 N19
Apple Pockets A10
Five Coffee Stand & Roastery Y20
ななまる商店 Y17
肉のサトー S06
TEA wiz Sandwich S12
大学芋なり駒 N15
金杉青果 Y22
根津の谷 S24
嵯峨の家 A32
やなぎに桜 S14
coccia Y14
布風船 A20
sowelu S11
Romantica*雑貨室 S04
カタテマ N09
てぬぐい処 賞 A23
uni Y03
ワト舎 N21
易占こはく N01
千駄木占いサロン Ulucus A15